Error Handling in WFC. We need a way to handle errors in WFC. Having critical workflows crashing and having to restart them is a huge issue and can cost lots of time and money for the organization.
Would be great to have the ability to rename an existing workflow without creating a copy of it and having to delete the original workflow etc. Thanks.
The ablity to rerun a workflow, especially one that starts from a form
I had a workflow that failed from a form start and had no way to restart the workflow or retrieve the information that had been entered into the form. Once I fixed the error in my connections, I couldn't rerun it. I also couldn't access the initia...
API for "Get Workflow Instances" - increase limit of results, and add filter options
According to your API documentation for "Get Workflow Instances," it only returns "up to 30 instances." This is a problem for us because we bui...
Would like the ability to change colors on tags so we could have a color system for our tags that are already created. For example, all connector tags would be green, all department tags would be red, etc.
Currently the options for sending instance alerts are to the last person who edited the document and the workflow owners, but only if the workflow owners are added as individual users. It doesn't send instance alerts to the owners if we create a g...