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Workflow Tracking pause total

Now that run status 'pause' exists, please add a Pause total box along with the other total boxes (Running, Completed, Failed...) in Workflow Tracking.
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Workflow testing log to include clickable links that navigate you to each action

Currently, the workflow testing log displays plain-text action names. When debugging, you have to navigate through the workflow canvas in order to find the corresponding action that has a error. This can be cumbersome when the workflow is fairly l...
Guest 6 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Notes and documentation section for workflows

A right hand panel in the workflow designer than opens up with a large markdown text editor. This could be used to store any kind of documentation. I have seen customer workflows, and done so myself, use the workflow description, but this is not t...
James Tyzack 4 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Ability to use variables within header and footer

Currently, you can only hard code text using the editor; however, the business requires the ability to use variables within the header and footer.
Guest 4 months ago in Form Designer 1 Open for voting

On Form - New Query JSON Function

There have been multiple times where we utilize external data to bring data into a form, and then have to use complex formulas/functions to pull the actual data we want out of the external data that was returned. Typically, this involves multiple ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Form Designer 2 Under Review

Allow Workflow testing to "Repeat"

When conducting workflow testing it would be great to be able to click "Repeat Test" where the test runs again with the same entries on the form. This would allow you to conduct quick changes and quick tests. Instead of filling out your forms the ...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Sort on Option label of Choice control

We would like to enable sorting on the Choice (single or multiple) control Option label. We are frequently populating the Choice options with external data where we are unable to sort on the column we want. For example, we have choice controls whe...
Guest 10 months ago in Form Designer 0 Under Review

Add support for file shares to Nintex Gateway

We need the ability to save a file that is part of NAC workflow (eg form file upload control or file output from document generation action) to be saved to an on-premise file share. We can do this with Power Automate and their File System connecto...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Connectors 9 Planned

Request for Japanese Language Support

Thank you for your excellent service. The Japanese market is large and growing, and having Japanese support would make it easier for more people to use your service. It would also increase user satisfaction and strengthen your competitive edge. By...
Guest 27 days ago in Other 1 Started

Reorder Form Rules

Please consider adding functionality to change the display order of form rules. Currently new rules are added to the bottom of the list. When building complex forms, it can be cumbersome to manage groups of similar rules created at different times...
Guest about 1 year ago in Form Designer 2