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Status Open for voting
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 27, 2023

Optimize user experience in My Nintex

Suggestions for Tasks:

  • Ability to show/hide fields in view.

  • Use of "views" for tasks. Ability for users to have a default view set similar to a SharePoint list or library so they don't have to reset the filters each time they visit their queue. But also have the ability to flip to other views - maybe last 30 days or by workflow or by search task name etc.

  • Ability to pass custom fields into tasks during design that show up here as unique or custom customer information vs only having the ability to customize and search by task name.

  • Ability to group by certain fields, like the workflow. Group all tasks for one process would be helpful to end-users actioning several tasks across multiple processes.

  • Ability to sort by fields available in view.

  • Default date range should be all active tasks, not a filtered view on date for 30 days.

    • We are experiencing users not realizing they even have active tasks outstanding to action if they work directly in My Nintex. Alot of our processes have "approvers" within the entire organization and they are over multiple processes. They prefer to use one centralized location to action ALL their tasks across multiple processes vs playing "find the email".

    • We have other users actioning tasks through email, clicking on My Nintex link (not the task link also provided in the email) and then contacted our IT department asking us why they can't find their task. They do not realize they need to modify the date filter that is set for 30 days.

Suggestions for Form Submission:

  • Pretty much the same concept as "views" mentioned above but for forms.

Suggestions for Workflow tracking:

  • Ability for business owners to trigger component workflows with "run now" button.

    • Designer should have the ability to enable this as a setting for each workflow like the delegation. Errors occur at times that are out of our control, the business has to get with us to refire a workflow vs doing it on their own, unless it's a start event from a connector like SharePoint, they cannot. We do a lot of security workflows as component workflows. The business should be able to just run security on any item in a list. Cannot at this time.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Oct 8, 2023

    The ability to see all tasks rather than just the last 30 days by default is probably the most critical here. At the very minimum there should be infinite scrolling / a way to indicate there are "more tasks" that can be retrieved with an extra click or somesuch.