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Request for Portuguese Language Support

The Brazilian market is huge and full of opportunities. By having Nintex Workflow localized for Portuguese would make it a lot easier to enhance Nintex businesses / usage, as well as increase user satisfaction and strengthen Nintex's competitiveness.
Guest 2 days ago in Translations 0

Date filter for Data Lookup

I have a SQL data lookup or even a SharePoint list and I want to filter by a date field, but I can only enter a hard coded date. Would like to be able to filter on a date variable or maybe a reference to Today - 30 days. Hard coding the date is no...
Guest about 6 hours ago in Other 0

Once request submitted engage the user on the same page until the request goes to the task form.

Hi Nintex Support Team, Scenario is while after start event the execution goes to a Task event with a notification to take the action right. So in between we want to engage the user on the same page and then redirect to the Task form.
Guest 3 days ago in Workflow Designer 0

Prevent admins from seeing form submission data

We are using the NAC for Confidential Vacancy Requests. HR requires that admins do not see the details of this request. We would like an option to mark certain start form fields as confidential.
Guest 6 days ago in Workflow Designer 0

Restrict access to tasks to the assigned user

If the assigned user sends the form link to another user they are able to action the task. The assigned user should be the only person that can action the task unless it is delegated to someone else
Guest 7 days ago in Runtime 2 Already Exists

Visualize active tasks over 90+ days as default

Please make all pending tasks visible in the task area by default. Our options right now are: Preset In the past 30 days In the past 60 days In the past 90 days Custom – which we can select from a calendar in intervals of 3 months. However, the us...
Guest 13 days ago in Other 1

SharePoint Online - Create a folder - Add check if it does exists

The action is used to create a folder, only if the folder does not already exist. If the folder already exists, the workflow fails. Ideas: - If the folder already exists, do not fail. - Add a parameter to indicate what to do if the fold...
Guest 6 days ago in Workflow Designer 0

Date Selector restrictions improvement

Currently the date selector field can be set to restrict past dates, but there isn't a way of restricting future dates. It would be good to have the option to enable, exactly like the current option, but to restrict future dates. This would be hel...
Guest 8 days ago in Form Designer 0

Route docs to SP On-Prem

Hybrid environments need a way to move/copy docs from WF finalization to DMS in SharePoint on-prem (we're not going to move our many DMS's into the cloud)
Guest 5 days ago in Connectors 0

The ability to resume a workflow test from where it failed and other test improvements

Currently when you are testing a workflow, if you get an error or a workflow stage fails, you need to restart the full workflow. When we have Approximately 30 Tasks, with forms, and then the associalted workflow processes, this is a painful thing ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting