When placing fields and I have 4 controls, but I may need to change some out but can't due to only having 4. EG>> City, Country, State, Zip CodeIf country equals Australia I want the drop down with Australian statesIf the country equals USA ...
Create a new user role for users to view override tasks for a particular workflow
Create a new role for users to view override tasks for a particular workflow.Currently a user that would like to view the tasks in NWC needs to be a Global Administrator.As we build more solutions on NWC, it would be good to have a specific user r...
There is an API for "Add users into group" but it does not help us unless we can also "Remove users from group" when we want to. Can you add this into the API? https://developer.nintex.com/docs/nc-api-docs/e37de6a04734e-add-users-into-group
For responsive forms created in NWC it would be beneficial for users/customers to have the ability to print forms to PDF or physically via the browser. Currently when you print a form in the browser by default it only prints 1 page instead of the ...
While we can see Instance Start Data, it is almost impossible to relate fields on a Start Form back to the start instance data as the naming convention for Instance Start Data from the form just shows the control type. Would be great if the contro...
For a phone field, the text mask needs to be different based on the country.
eg US = ***-***-xxxx AU = xx-xxxx-xxxx
Post code mask
US XXXXX, AU XXXX, and UK has multiple masks.
about 7 years ago
in Form Designer
When can we be at the stage where you can download a file from one connector (i.e. box), upload that file to (say dorpbox), read content, perform update, and update file to a drive?
Restart a botflow action in the event of failure with original input variables
If your workflow starts a botflow, the botflow could fail. If it fails, it would be nice to go into the workflow instance details and restart it with the original input variables. The use case where this would have been useful is that our Nintex G...