It would be great to be able to fully customize a dashboard within Nintex. My team needs our workflows to reports on non-standard metrics (such as each instance's position on a Branch-By-Stage action item). To create a dashboard that can report on that information we have had to create a chain of four separate softwares to allow us to report information to SmartSheet and create a dashboard there.
Some of the features we would like to see in a dashboard include:
- reporting links to forms
- reporting customized instance variables
- creating summary visuals to roll up case numbers based on variables such as assignee and other customized variables (e.g. stage)
- inserting external numbers that relate but aren't generated in Nintex
I'd be happy to explain more or provide examples if that'd be useful.
I am Cheyanne, the product manager for Nintex Analytics. I would love to know more about your ideas on dashboards and customisations for these non-standard metrics, if you could provide some examples - that'll be great!
We are already working on surfacing forms data in Nintex Analytics. We will look into Variables.
Could you please expand more on Smartsheet reporting and the chain of four separate softwares? What do you mean by "inserting external numbers that relate but aren't generated in Nintex"?
Do you currently use Nintex Analytics for workflow, instances and actions insights or reporting?