Would be helpful to show the form name and allow for filtering in the form submissions section of My Nintex.
Hi @Guest,
Thanks for reaching out!
Are you referring to the /dashboard/my/submissions page? There is a Form name column, plus a Search form name at the top of the page.
The root dashboard (/dashboard/my) offers a summary/overview page, and delving deeper the submissions should occur in dashboard/my/submissions.
If I'm not understanding you correctly, can you provide more details?
Hi @Guest,
Thanks for reaching out!
Are you referring to the /dashboard/my/submissions page? There is a Form name column, plus a Search form name at the top of the page.
The root dashboard (/dashboard/my) offers a summary/overview page, and delving deeper the submissions should occur in dashboard/my/submissions.
If I'm not understanding you correctly, can you provide more details?