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Showing 29

Enable AAD user by Invitation process in People Picker control

Hi Team,adding AAD users using the Invite process as per MSFT : Will not allow users to be searchable in People Picker Control ?!it ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Form Designer 0 Planned

Unable to get the repeating section values to be added on the approval form in NWC

In the Nintex Workflow Cloud Form we are using the repeating section, the process starts with Form submission then proceed with Task Approval. When developing the Task Approval Form we cannot get the repeating section values to be added on the Tas...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Form Designer 2 Planned

Allow for HTML/JavaScript within labels or within a separate control on the form.

If we can add custom HTML/JavaScript to the NWC forms then we can enhance it in so many ways. From adding google address lookups to applying custom themes.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Form Designer 2 Planned

Get/Show Manager's Email Address in the Form

Simply get any Manager's information and show it in the form.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Form Designer 0 Planned

Nintex mobile : Publish a workflow for a restricted circle of people.

in my company, we have a lot of workflows published in production with built-in nintex forms. We need to group forms by permissions so that only specific people to access them. For example, let's say we have HR forms, IT forms, and FINANCIAL forms...
Guest about 3 years ago in Form Designer 0 Planned

Only show unique values in Data Lookup field

Please add the option to filter for only unique values in the Data Lookup field in form designer. There is this option in the O365 list lookup, and it very useful.
Guest over 1 year ago in Form Designer 1 Planned

Add Image in Header of multipage forms

When designing multi-page forms, it would be great to be able to add an image to the Header area for the entire form. Our main use-case for these forms to date has been external, anonymous forms to capture data back into our systems - in that case...
Guest over 6 years ago in Form Designer 1 Planned

Nintex Automation Cloud connector cannot list instances by instance name

The current Nintex Automation Cloud connector cannot list instances by instance name. The API does support this. Please add the action to get workflow instances by workflow name, workflow instance name, status, start date and end date.
Samuel Camacho 8 months ago in Connectors 0 Planned

More flexibility with buttons - especially a Cancel button

I wish NWC had either a default Cancel button or the ability to add one. I have a couple of forms that I'm redesigning in NWC and they are essentially worksheets that have no need for a workflow - they just help the user make a determination. It w...
Guest about 4 years ago in Form Designer 1 Planned

Smartsheet - Get a row - Insert variable to row number

Smartsheet - Get a row Allow to insert variable to the 'Row number'; just like the 'Item ID' of Sharepoint - Retrieve an item.
Guest over 2 years ago in Connectors 2 Planned