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button caption l10n

in multi-page form, next and previous button's captions cannot be changed(localized)
Guest over 6 years ago in Form Designer 0 Completed

Use SharePoint Online in DocGen for NWC

Would love to be able to generate a document in NWC using a template stored in SharePoint Online and then store it back to SharePoint Online. Not sure what that isnt an option at the moment
Guest over 4 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Completed

Create list items in SharePoint with form attachments

The ability to attach attachments to list items using the Create List Item in SharePoint action. Currently users can fill out the form and attach documents but there is no way to easily get them into SharePoint.
Guest about 7 years ago in Workflow Designer 2 Completed

API to Add/Remove Users

Hello, Can we have API's to add/remove users using API, rather than manually add user from admin panel.Also, Instead of deleting users, can we have an option of disabling them?It is always a good option to disable a user rather than permanently de...
Guest over 2 years ago in Connectors 2 Completed

Workflow Testing populate Initator values

When running Workflow testing, have the Start Event > Workflow initiator variables populated with your user details. Currently they are empty.
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 5 Completed

SharePoint Online Copy a File Action

It would be helpful if the SharePoint site URL field in this action step could except variables. At the moment, the SharePoint site URL needs to be hard-coded which makes this step useless when the workflow is being triggered by an Event Receiver ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Completed

Use the CollectionContains Function with an External data source on a start form

When trying to retrieve data from SP on a start event form in NWC, the "collection contain" function does not work with an external data source (for example: SharePoint records collection), its just returns false even if the item is in the collect...
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 Completed

Full SSO With Azure AD (Skipping The Nintex Login Page)

Currently the SSO setup with Azure AD still requires users to enter their email address on the Nintex login page when they are accessing a form that requires authentication, and it would be good if the users could skip that step and go straight to...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other 0 Completed

Data Source Connector - SharePoint On-Premises

There is a workflow connector in NWC for SharePoint On-Premises. However, this connector is unavailable for use when creating a data source. It would be great to have the ability to query a SharePoint Server list from an NWC form. The SharePoint O...
Guest over 2 years ago in Connectors 3 Completed

Automate Section in NWC - Add "Published by" field for developers for filter options.

Automate section in Cloud - add published by field so we know who created the workflow. Add filters for publish by and edited by. Currently we can only filter by status and start event and tags. This field is made available in the "My Nintex" sect...
Guest over 2 years ago in Dashboard Experience 1 Completed