It would be great to be able to configure tenant-wide variables (maybe as a tab in the settings section of the tenant). This would allow creating variables accessible in all forms/workflows that define legal disclaimers or even image urls, so that when updated in this one location chages would be automatically be reflected in all forms.
(Not sure how feesible this is as unsure if the workflows/forms would need to be republished to reflect the variable change).
Sep 7, 2022
We are looking at addressing this capability, please reach out if you like to find out more as I'd love to discuss how we are planning on approaching and be great for some feedback.
This seems like something that could be useful for holding temporary authorization tokens that could be shared between workflows/instances. I.E.web services that require getting a bearer token before using further API calls. Could store that token as a tenant-wide variable instead of a workflow-level one and when the token expires you could refresh it only when needed regardless of which workflow the web service is being called from.
We'd definitely get use out of such a thing. In addition to the probably more common uses of holding reused constants.
It would be great to get an update to this please?
While we now have nintex tables.
We still really need the tenant wide variables to replace the old workflow constants for Nintex WF for SharePoint on-prem.
This also equates to the environment variables that are available within solutions as part of Power Automate.
We'd definitely get use out of such a thing. In addition to the probably more common uses of holding reused constants.