Often times, we can have very rich and full Forms that trigger a workflow. Sometimes after a flow has been submitted it may have incorrect data (this is not something that can be validated correctly or handled with rules). Example we have an onboarding process and the team member misspelled an email entry. Currently they would have to start from scratch and initiate a whole new form. If we could administratively go into that instance and make slight modifications to the code or form after submittal in order to resubmit, would save some time.
Hi Tye,
Thanks for reaching out.
This capability does already exist, dubbed Copy form data: https://help.nintex.com/en-US/nwc/Content/MyNintex/SubmittedForms.htm#CopyForm
This feature enable Participants to copy their previous submissions, or Business owners to copy the submissions for workflows they own.
Clicking the Copy form data button will open a new instance of the form and copy the previous values across, users are now able to modify the data. On submit, the newly triggered instance is not linked to the previous instance.
Kate Huynh