It would be really useful if we can have an improved functionalities on the user management page. Functions that might be useful Number of Users Filter by Role Download report (similar to Nintex Insights where we can download the report for the wo...
To ease the integration of additional systems as triggers for NWC a generic webhook trigger-event would be awesome. This would leverage the possibility to use a industry-standard trigger to start a workflow.
over 6 years ago
in Connectors
Not Planned
Hi There,
Wondering it this has been implemented or resolved? Re-play "Assign a task" feature?
I've created a basic workflow to test start event form, then after that it has another step below "Assign a Task" with form.
i.e Staff fills out Nintex...
Would be awesome to have a select option "Select All" export to CSV button. At the moment I'm having to open a failed instance in a new tab (Because if you click back on normal window you'll have to manually scroll back down to where you were) one...
Context for Nintex Mobile mode in the form designer
To be able to dynamically make visible or hide controls if the NWC start form is loaded via Nintex mobile client or custom branded apps from app studio.
Some controls such as geolocation I only want to make visible when the form is loaded into ni...
almost 5 years ago
in Form Designer
Not Planned
Decimal and currency form controls - specify field format
A lot of our European form users are complaining on the Decimal and Currency fields not allowing comma as a decimal separator (the form control completely blocks entering anything but numbers and dot).
This escalates quickly from a UX issue to a ...
Automatically place cursor in search box after clicking the X to clear the search box
Automatically place cursor in search box after clicking the X to clear the search box. This applies to the workflow and forms designers, in all search boxes.
I would like the ability to disable the notification that a form participant receives the first time they login to use a NWC form. It is confusing. I would like to disable it, or customize it.