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Broken Connection Notification

When a connection breaks a notification, similar to a failed workflow, should be sent out alerting Automation Administrators what happened to allow for quicker resolution.
Guest 2 months ago in Other 0

Debug Assistance - pinpoint error

Currently we have an issue testing a workflow where it gives us "Semantic Errors" when we try test the workflow. When we try to publish the workflow we get the following "Some fields contain references to invalid variables; we recommend removing t...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 2 Already Exists

Allow Groups to have more than 200 people

Request to have more than 200 people available in a group in NAC. This will eliminate the need for workflow developers to add multiple groups to each workflow created, reducing maintenance as well keeping much more structured and organized. Alte...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 0

Have an action to create an ID Number that is unique to the workflow instance

We require a simple unique identifier for each workflow instance to use in a subsequent "Set Instance Name" action, and other communications as a short way of referring to a particular instance. At the moment the workflow sends data to a sharepoin...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 2

Workflow Development - Modal Pop-Up Debug Screen

During workflow design it is often necessary to be able to Test the workflow and have it pause/stop the script in order to evaluate variables while the script is running. It would be very helpful to have a "Modal" pop-up ACTION screen that can be ...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 0

Allow Workflow testing to "Repeat"

When conducting workflow testing it would be great to be able to click "Repeat Test" where the test runs again with the same entries on the form. This would allow you to conduct quick changes and quick tests. Instead of filling out your forms the ...
Guest 2 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Show instance start data in instances table

It would be helpful to differentiate between instances rather than crosschecking when something was submitted to the date initiated
Guest 2 months ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Not Planned

Make the instance details available for business owners

Currently only workflow owners can see the instance details for a running workflow. It would help if business owners also can see this trace. If workflow actions are described in a decent manner, business owners can see where and how the flow is r...
Guest 2 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Support Collections Nested within a Parent Collection in Document Generation

Be able to use Document Generation to produce a report that has "header" information, then a number of rows that relate to the header. Currently it is possible to query a table to get the header information, then "Loop for each" to do a second que...
Guest 3 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Have option to make Form available in My Nintex but not Nintex Mobile

At the moment the form configuration options are "This Form is available as" ☐ URL ☐ Nintex Mobile and My Nintex. I have some forms that won't work in Nintex Mobile, however I want to encourage field staff to use Nintex Mobile for certain forms th...
Guest 3 months ago in Form Designer 0