Capability to customize the Page Title. Currently int the browser we will see the Page Title is "Nintex Workflow Cloud". We would like the ability to change this.
[ ref:_00D90q6Cb._5002v2qJNrl:ref ]
over 4 years ago
in Form Designer
Not Planned
Ability to insert additional forms within a Workflow or Dynamically fill form fields based on prior selections
It would be nice to have the ability to dynamically populate or show fields or pages based on how certain fields are completed earlier in the start form. It would also be nice if we could place a new "form" within a workflow to gather additional i...
over 2 years ago
in Form Designer
Not Planned
If I had a start form control that needs to be changed, make this change universal. For example, if I use this start control in other task forms and rules, it should pick up the change I made at the start form.
Using something like and other similar services.
Being able to securely connect to On-Premise data thru an on-demand VPN tunnel would provide a cost effective way to connect to this data ra...
Ability to error trap in WFC and send email to requester
When a connector fails, it is necessary to trap the error. Then using that error to take action, such as send an email to the requester of the WFC. Currently, when a connector action fails, alerts can be sent to WFC administrators only.
Allow SQL Account to be used to establish SQL On-Premise data source connection
Currently to establish the connection to SQL Server on-premise it requires a domain user account. We want to use the SQL account that is already established correctly for permissions within SQL.
over 2 years ago
in Connectors
Not Planned
It doesn't appear to be possible to use the Outcome value selected in a NWC Task form to set another control's required, visible, read-only attributes via formula. The Outcome control isn't available in the list of Form controls. Why not? My speci...
over 2 years ago
in Form Designer
Not Planned
Cross reference developer tools for actions, component workflows, connectors and datasources
With 100+ workflows there are many calls to component workflows. Also connectors and data sources are used in various workflows. As a developer I would welcome basic tools that - tell me which component workflows are called where- where certain co...
Our use case: We created an "Equipment Order Form". This form is tied to our SharePoint list that houses all of the necessary equipment information like equipment name, description, list price, etc.. Additionally, there are minimum & maximum v...
over 2 years ago
in Form Designer
Not Planned