Here is the use case. I have an approval workflow and the requirement is the submitter should be able to see the final result of the approval in the form. E.g, approval status and name of the approver. For now, we can use form variables in the wor...
8 months ago
in Form Designer
Already Exists
Nintex recently added "Tables" to NAC as a workflow action. This is great. What would be even better is to have access to these tables from Nintex Forms. I do not see it as an option in External Data or Data Sources or anything.
about 1 year ago
in Form Designer
Already Exists
It would be really nice to have more information about the various connectors, like a description and link to their site. For instance, I found the WorkingDays connector in the NWC list and it looks very useful. However, it took me forever to find...
over 2 years ago
in Connectors
Already Exists
I have a NWC workflow that, amongst other things, assigns a task to the submitter's manager. The manager completes a few multiple choice fields, fills in their name, etc., then ticks their approval to complete the form.
I really need to be able t...
over 5 years ago
in Form Designer
Already Exists
Input a specific email for Workflow Instance Fails Alert Notifications
It would be great if you could just set an email of your choosing for Workflow Fails outside of the choices given. For example I have all my workflows throughout the Nintex workflow suite to send email notifications to a Microsoft Teams, would be ...
When I'm working on multiple workflows, it can be difficult to know which one you are currently editing. This is especially frustrating when you're editing DEV/UAT/LIVE versions of the same workflow. Having the title displayed above the Start Even...
We need the ability to format date to string with a user friendly output of MM/DD/YYYY (04/08/2022) and no time as well as MON DD, YYYY with not time (Apr 8, 2022)
When we design a form, it's common to need to allow a user to update their submission - ESPECIALLY when the form is complex, or has a repeating section. Right now there doesn't seem to be a way to do this unless you use a sharepoint form. Unfortun...