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SharePoint List Item Lookup for Task Forms on load

Please find a solution to show and default controls with non-static information from the related list item that triggered the workflow!!!! All the information passed to task forms is STATIC data and not refreshed or synced when task is loaded. We ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Form Designer / Workflow Designer 7 Open for voting

Retrieve users/emails that were defined as Workflow Owners and Business Owners for a Workflow

It would be great if we are able to retrieve the users/emails that were defined as Workflow Owners and Business Owners for a Workflow and use it within workflow configuration.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Allow geolocation form component to be initialized with current location

It would be nice to preset the location to current user location (it will require user approval on load but it's definitely something trivial) This will allow integrations with maps and many other applications based on current location
Guest almost 2 years ago in Form Designer 0 Open for voting

Add Flow Version Context Var

Estaria bueno poder contar con una variable que nos identifique la version del flujo.... Muchas veces generamos mejoras, y sabemos tener un flujo dormido por mucho tiempo y cuando se despierta y comienza a trabajar no vemos aplicados las mejoras.....
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Include Seconds for NWC Instance Actions Start & End Times

Instead of only knowing down to the minute how long various actions are taking from start to finish, it would be useful for us to know down to the second. This would help us determine how much of an impact various workflow changes are having. Curr...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Allow Collection Variables in the Run if true action

Add "Is In" and "Is Not In" as operator options to the Run if true action. I.E. allow collection variables to be used with Run if true. Currently, when you're working with collections, there's a lot of unneeded overhead of creating individual bool...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Make the Address field robust

Nintex Cloud should send out warning emails if the Google Maps API key stops working. It would also be nice if the control's collection had an option for street, region, postal code etc. that is processed (as best as possible) from the description...
Guest about 2 years ago in Form Designer 1 Open for voting

Request Publish - Alerts & Restrict Designers & Developers from publishing these requests

Workflow publishing has the option to pick Designer and Developers or a group to grant permissions to publish production workflows. Since we can't pick a designer or developer role - it has to be BOTH roles, we had to create a group for this. The ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Get Tasks - Filter by Workflow Name or ID

I would think all developers would need this, the abilityt o filter all tasks related to a specific workflow. Get tasks action is not resourceful unless we can filter on workflow ID level. I do not want to return all active tasks across the entire...
Guest about 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Expose workflow status for only your initiate workflows.

MyNintex dashboard needs the capability to show only the workflows initiated by an individual. Currently you have to be made a business owner to see 'any' workflows in flight, but that means you also see 'all' workflows in flight!
Guest over 2 years ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting