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Showing 193

Get SmartSheet Row by Cell Value

As discussed on this forum page ( I'd really like to be able to get a Smartsheet row based on a cell value. If not that, I'd like to at least call by row num...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 3 Open for voting

My Nintex dashboard should filter via GET like Tasks and Instances.

When trying to streamline the user experience we create a JSON link direct to NWA Tasks or Instances so the users can see the process or otherwise of their workflow process. i.e. or ht...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  2 Open for voting

Add Date Completed to the filter options for instances

Please add Date Completed to the list of filter options on the instances tab. It is hard to find failed instances of long running workflows when the only filter option is started date. Please make Date Completed a filter option.
Guest about 3 years ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Add additional "instance" filters to better support DESIGNERS and GLOBAL ADMIN

I would love to see additional filters added in instances to better support workflow failures! A checkbox for development use instances. There should be a box like "Include instances of deleted workflows" but for development use only instances. Ad...
Guest about 1 year ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Disable specific actions for a connector in Connector availability

Does Nintex have anything on the roadmap to block specific actions of a connector within NAC? This is something that is made available in Power Platform currently. If not, this should be an added feature for Global Admin to control in NAC. Thanks!
Guest about 1 year ago in Connectors 0 Open for voting

Generate PDF with PDF Security Applied

Nintex o365 Document Generation action missing standard functionality. After the PDF file is generated and sent to the end user, the user who receives this PDF file can actually make changes to the file using a PDF editor tool. The ability to secu...
Guest over 4 years ago in Other 2 Open for voting

Preview files after upload to Form

Our users would find it helpful to be able to open and/or preview any documents uploaded in a NWC form. This would allow our operators to confirm their uploads prior to form submission all within NWC instead of having to look back through their Fi...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Add option to identify connections / data sources that are causing a problem

In some scenarios, especially after doing an "export" of a workflow from one environment and "import" into another environment, it will not allow you to Publish the workflow until you go in and fix all the broken actions and forms that cannot find...
Guest about 1 year ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Forms Submissions - Details

Would be helpful to show the form name and allow for filtering in the form submissions section of My Nintex.
Guest about 1 year ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Open for voting

Create a new data type for Currency

Create a new data type for Currency, in Nintex Forms so that so that data can be entered in the form “19.590,00”,“2.000.000,00”, “25.560,00”, “900,00”
Guest over 6 years ago in Form Designer 0 Open for voting