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Send a report to customer to notify of bounced emails

Send a report to customer to notify of bounced emails Otherwise, we may not realise for some time that a person is not receiving their emails, which is particularly important in the case of task actions.
Guest 11 months ago in Runtime 0 Open for voting

Escalate tasks to the manager of the current assignee

Currently it is only possible to specify the manager of the assignee before a task is created. But when a task gets delegated to another person, the manager to escalate to is still the original one. Please add the feature to escalate to the manage...
Guest 5 months ago in Runtime 0

Terminate all Running Workflow Instances and Tasks when an item that is deleted from a list or libraries

If an item or document is deleted from a list or libraries, running workflow instances currently remain. This can cause unwanted actions to occur such as email reminders and escalations on outstanding tasks. It would be very helpful if any existin...
Guest 11 months ago in Runtime 2 Not Planned

Error message with Cloud Workflow Error

Please add the failure reason to the email that a Cloud Workflow failed. It would be really nice to have that information in the email itself, since most errors do not require any action on developer/owner part.
Guest about 2 years ago in Runtime 2 Open for voting

Create alert when a problem occurs in a Published workflow

I ran into a bug where the Then/Else options in some of the Rules in my published workflow (multiple forms) were removed. I only happened to run across the error when I went to make a couple of minor changes to wording in the forms. I opened a cas...
Guest about 1 year ago in Runtime 0

I would like an option to restrict access to the NWC tenant by IP address

For security, we would like to restrict access to the NWC tenant by IP address to retrieve information entered into forms as they may contain private consumer data. This would allow us to add our static bank ip address to prevent unauthorized acce...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned

It would be nice in NAC to be able to edit previously submitted form data in instances that Fail or Terminate, either in the Table or Code when looking in Instances run or Edit the Form Start Data so that something can be corrected before resubmitting a workflow instance that had failed or needed to be terminated for some reason.

Often times, we can have very rich and full Forms that trigger a workflow. Sometimes after a flow has been submitted it may have incorrect data (this is not something that can be validated correctly or handled with rules). Example we have an onboa...
Guest 9 months ago in Runtime 1 Under Review

Support for workflow constant

Support for a workflow constant where the value can be persisted.
Guest about 8 years ago in Runtime 5 Planned

Identify anonymous users

In a medium or large organization, it is not always possible to add users to Nintex before they begin using a form. Having the ability to pass a users identity (e.g. - ID, Email address, name, etc.) helps to allow the user to get immediate access ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Runtime 0

Improve error handling

Received the below error: Incompatible character encoding: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8 The issue ended up being caused by a salesforce process trigger failing within the workflow. The error was not relevant to the underling issue, making it hard to tro...
Guest about 6 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned