Using something like and other similar services.
Being able to securely connect to On-Premise data thru an on-demand VPN tunnel would provide a cost effective way to connect to this data rather than having to establish an always on VPN tunnel
Sep 7, 2022
With the recent updates to Nintex Gateway, we believe that we have a scenario in which this VPN tunnel is no longer needed.
Please feel free to reach out if we did not understand the requirement properly.
The idea was to be able to call a VPN as part of a workflow, EG Action Set VPN. Inside the VPN action set once the VPN has been established, a SQL action / Web service etc coul dbe used to talk to an on-prem system. The data could be stored to variables and the VPN can be closed.
So I have a clearer understanding of what you're looking for, what is the final system that you are trying to call through to?