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We would like to show the NAC form directly on to the SharePoint page rather then clicking on Link

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Guest 12 months ago in Other 0

Get Label for termstore

When a term store field is used, the only options are to retrieve the GUID or WSSID - but not the LABEL. Need to do a 2nd REST call to retrieve this. We need to get the LABEL text - not ID (number)
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 0

Data Source List Sort Order

I'm using a O365 Groups data source to look up users in a department. The results in the drop down, which is User Display Name, are apparently random, or maybe sorted by ID. It makes for a really ugly lookup. Having sorting options would be really...
Guest over 2 years ago in Form Designer 1 Not Planned

Assign a task form design and objects

Allow objects to be edited with switch/toggle on task design forms so whoever is actioning task form can edit data in collection/object. In 365 we can for related list items why can't we at least have the ability to allow users with edit permissio...
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Occasional Disabling ("Assign a Task")

Hi,I have few tasks ("assign a task") in workflow that needs to be disabled for a specific number of days and automatically activate for once and disable again. Can you please assist how it can be done?
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 2 Not Planned

Submit progression bar

When someone has poor internet connection or perhaps are uploading many file uploads in a form submission it takes a while to complete after pressing 'submit'. Some impatient or unsure users will then click 'submit' many more times while the form ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Form Designer 0 Not Planned

Hidden fields - not take up row space on front-end

Would be great if when fields where hidden, they did not compress / shrink the other fields in the row on the front-end.
Guest over 4 years ago in Form Designer 0 Not Planned

Link Workflow Details from Tasks List

It would be nice to have the workflow name be a link from the Tasks Menu Screen to view the workflow details. Often times when troubleshooting a workflow issue it takes forever to track down the workflow related to a task.
Guest over 4 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned

Make form rules side config like form styles

LOVE the side config panels for Start Event and Form Styles. Would really like the Form Rules to also be a side panel too. Toggling between tabs is time consuming.
Guest over 5 years ago in Form Designer 0 Not Planned

Need Wait Actions

Don't we have "Wait Until" and "Wait For" actions?
Guest over 8 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Already Exists