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Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud)

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Choose the order of drop down lists in choice fields

It would be great if we can have a button much like in excel where we can easily change the order of the choices we have included in a drop down list or choice filed in forms designer. So we can then just click a button to put them in alphabetical...
Guest about 1 year ago in Form Designer 0 Not Planned

if task form user selects "Reject" then set controls to Not Required

In the "Assign a task to multiple users" action, if that user opens form and selects the "Reject" outcome, the user still may have to complete all the "Required" controls. We want an option to ignore the "Required" status on all controls to set "R...
Guest about 1 year ago in Form Designer 0

Allow changes to start form

When we design a form, it's common to need to allow a user to update their submission - ESPECIALLY when the form is complex, or has a repeating section. Right now there doesn't seem to be a way to do this unless you use a sharepoint form. Unfortun...
Guest over 1 year ago in Workflow Designer 2 Already Exists

Start Form Secure Inputs

Would be great to have an option like in Power Automate where you can create secured inputs so that the collected data cannot be viewed from the instance start details.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Runtime 0 Under Review

Share point ability to identify and specific links for live and dynamic use

a lot of the time we save doc gen files as well as collections in a one drive shared point folder. If the OneDrive integration was able to call out or identified the files and respected links for each specific folder/customer. We could email these...
Guest over 1 year ago in Connectors 2 Not Planned

Ability to view completed task form

I have a NWC workflow that, amongst other things, assigns a task to the submitter's manager. The manager completes a few multiple choice fields, fills in their name, etc., then ticks their approval to complete the form. I really need to be able t...
Guest about 5 years ago in Form Designer 0 Already Exists

Create a new data type for Currency

Create a new data type for Currency, in Nintex Forms so that so that data can be entered in the form “19.590,00”,“2.000.000,00”, “25.560,00”, “900,00”
Guest over 6 years ago in Form Designer 0 Open for voting

Action Set - Elevate Permission

Would like to have a feature to elevate permission for users that do not have sufficient permission.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Runtime 0 Not Planned

Ability to format date to date only

We need the ability to format date to string with a user friendly output of MM/DD/YYYY (04/08/2022) and no time as well as MON DD, YYYY with not time (Apr 8, 2022)
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Already Exists

Trigger Workflow Start from another workflows Failed Instance

I would love to be able to trigger a separate workflow instance upon a Failed INstance to a particular workflow. I would see it as a setting option for Failed Workflow instances. I know that you can setup an alert to someone for a failed instance,...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Not Planned