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Display comments on actions in the workflow designer

When building large, complicated workflows, it would be handy to have a comments option displayed on the workflow designer page, without the need to open the right-hand context panel. Use case for this would be to use as a reminder of what a step ...
Guest 3 months ago in Workflow Designer 2 Open for voting

Watermark in Chinese language cannot be applied.

I need to print a watermark containing Chinese characters, but it will always be wrong. ASCII characters cannot be converted to Chinese characters .
Guest 4 months ago in Workflow Designer 0

Workflow Tracking pause total

Now that run status 'pause' exists, please add a Pause total box along with the other total boxes (Running, Completed, Failed...) in Workflow Tracking.
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Notes and documentation section for workflows

A right hand panel in the workflow designer than opens up with a large markdown text editor. This could be used to store any kind of documentation. I have seen customer workflows, and done so myself, use the workflow description, but this is not t...
James Tyzack 4 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Ability to use variables within header and footer

Currently, you can only hard code text using the editor; however, the business requires the ability to use variables within the header and footer.
Guest 4 months ago in Form Designer 1 Open for voting

renaming Sharepoint list attached files

There is no workflow step available or able to rename a file that is attached in a SharePoint List, only option is in the Document folders
Guest 4 months ago in Workflow Designer 0

Renaming File attachments

File attachments should be able to be renamed prior to saving file to SharePoint. To save the file then query the file and then rename the file is very inefficient. Even pushing the file rename to an in-form variable.
Guest 4 months ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Signature Control Support in Repeating Sections

Ability to add signature controls to repeating sections. This is useful in scenarios where a form is collecting data for a system that require multi signature on the same form, and other similar cases.
Guest 4 months ago in Form Designer 0

Saving of changes to workflow start forms before automatic logout from NAC

From time to time you have to switch to other applications from designing start event forms in NAC workflows. Sometimes you forget to save your changes due to an urgent inquiry. After a while you are logged out automatically from the NAC without s...
Guest 4 months ago in Workflow Designer 0

Appending Comments to Form

We would like to see an ability for authenticated Nintex users to go to a form that is active and be able to write a comment that can be seen by all parties involved with the request. This comment should then be included in all subsequent forms do...
Guest 4 months ago in Form Designer 0 Open for voting