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Ability to re-order Task outcomes

It would be really great if you had the ability to re-order the task outcomes in the workflow designer, currently you can't so if you want to change the display order, you can change the text, but if you have workflow actions triggered off the var...
Guest 3 months ago in Workflow Designer 0

Auto-select options in a multi-choice control using form rules and external data variable

When a user selects an item from a drop-down list, I want to populate several fields. I’m using form rules and an external data variable to do this successfully with several fields. However, I’m unable to set the checked values of a multi-choice f...
Guest 9 months ago in Form Designer 2 Under Review

Bring your own encryption key (BYOK)

Would like the capability to bring our own encryption keys to apply to and encrypt our data in NAC
Marc Wenning 16 days ago in Other 0

Add else if in Form Rules

For example, I have below requirement: If Text = A, then Number = 1 Else if Text = B. then Number = 2 Else Number = 3 In currently version, form rules only have if - else, I need to create a rule for "if text = A", a rule for "if text = B", a rule...
Guest 11 months ago in Form Designer 2 Open for voting

Add Edited by column to Connections list.

We expect to have many Connections in our tenant and need the ability to sort and search by the connection creator.
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Add german date formats to actions

A typical german date format is 28.01.2025 A typical german date time format is 28.01.2025 16:39 We need that often to show when approvals have taken place.But we cannot choose such a format from the Document Tagger of the Generate Document action...
Guest 17 days ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Align NAC API with NAC features

NAC is being constantly improved (which is great!), nevertheless the API is not following the upgrade pace and is not really up-to-date. For example : The form Access feature that enable to filter who can trigger a form is not available from the A...
Guest about 1 year ago in Other 2 Started

Error Handling - Support All Failures

Error handling was recently introduced. Where supported, it will cause a workflow instance to Pause instead of fails. This then gives the opportunity for the instance to be resumed at the failed step for it to try again. This is a great feature! H...
Guest 5 months ago in Runtime 1 Open for voting

Ability to export workflow history to a CSV file

As a publicly traded company, we are regularly audited, and some of the workflows we have created fall within the scope of these audits. As part of the audit process, we are required to provide a history of modifications for the workflows. Current...
Guest about 1 month ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Ability to sort variables by name

It would be very helpful to be able to add a sort function to any list of variables so they can be sorted by name rather than just by created date because after numerous updates, its hard to track a) how long ago a specific variable was created an...
Guest 7 months ago in Workflow Designer 1 Open for voting