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Showing 322

Calculate a value, make it VALUES

Calculate value should allow multiple calculations in one action
Guest about 8 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned

Store Item for Remove Item from Collection

"Remove item from colleciton" collection operation does not currently support to store the removed item to a variable, because of this, we will need to use two collection operations to achieve the goal of removing an item from collection + store t...
Guest about 8 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned

Support HTTP not just HTTPS

Call a Web service only supports https? Some APIs only support http with a token. Why no support for http?
Guest about 8 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned

Add an 'other' option to Branch by value

Branch by value needs an 'other' option so that values outside of those specified by the existing branches can be handled by specific exception logic.
Guest about 8 years ago in Workflow Designer 1 Not Planned

"Catch All" or "other" Branch Capability

in the branch by value action we need the ability to "catch all" branch for values NOT recognized. Otherwise the WF will fail.
Guest over 8 years ago in Workflow Designer 1 Not Planned

A place to submit bugs

I found a strange bug. I need a place to submit bugs :)
Guest over 8 years ago in Other 1 Not Planned

Data Source List Sort Order

I'm using a O365 Groups data source to look up users in a department. The results in the drop down, which is User Display Name, are apparently random, or maybe sorted by ID. It makes for a really ugly lookup. Having sorting options would be really...
Guest over 2 years ago in Form Designer 1 Not Planned

Make form rules side config like form styles

LOVE the side config panels for Start Event and Form Styles. Would really like the Form Rules to also be a side panel too. Toggling between tabs is time consuming.
Guest over 5 years ago in Form Designer 0 Not Planned

Link Workflow Details from Tasks List

It would be nice to have the workflow name be a link from the Tasks Menu Screen to view the workflow details. Often times when troubleshooting a workflow issue it takes forever to track down the workflow related to a task.
Guest over 4 years ago in Runtime 1 Not Planned

Hidden fields - not take up row space on front-end

Would be great if when fields where hidden, they did not compress / shrink the other fields in the row on the front-end.
Guest over 4 years ago in Form Designer 0 Not Planned