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Nintex Automation Cloud (formerly Nintex Workflow Cloud)

Showing 181

My Nintex Settings - Update feature to hide completed task forms of same task We ran into a security issue on a rather simple process/solution we were attempting to design for an event that is coming up: Business Case: Panel of judges by regi...
Guest over 1 year ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Enhance connector availability

Please add a feature to allow global admin to control actions that belong to each connector. There are some connectors that we want to use, for example Salesforce, but we do NOT want any users, for security reasons, to be able to edit, delete or c...
Guest over 1 year ago in Connectors 0 Open for voting

Process Creation from WFC

Create a Promapp Process from a WFC workflow or RPA BOT
Guest almost 3 years ago in Connectors 0 Open for voting

Add Date Completed to the filter options for instances

Please add Date Completed to the list of filter options on the instances tab. It is hard to find failed instances of long running workflows when the only filter option is started date. Please make Date Completed a filter option.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Allow anyone to view a workflow, but not make updates

We are in the early stages of using the Automation Cloud tool. There are a number of groups that would like to access other workflows to get ideas or to see how the workflow actually works (through Workflow Testing function), but they cannot unles...
Guest over 1 year ago in Workflow Designer 1 Open for voting

Fix bug not allowing Repeating Sections from a Task Response to be used inside the Document Generator

REF Nintex Support Case #00544037 for more details Add support to allow Repeating sections from a Response to a Task to be used inside the Document Generator as repeating data (this is not blocked by the interface, nor a warning message advising t...
Guest over 1 year ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

Allow multiple items to be added to a collection with one action

Similar to the "Set Variable" action, the "Add Item To Collection" action should allow multiple items to be added to a collection. Currently, 1 item can be added to a collection at a time. If there are many items that need to be added, this create...
Guest about 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting

SharePoint List Item Lookup for Task Forms on load

Please find a solution to show and default controls with non-static information from the related list item that triggered the workflow!!!! All the information passed to task forms is STATIC data and not refreshed or synced when task is loaded. We ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Form Designer / Workflow Designer 7 Open for voting

Allow passing form values to an Nintex Form task through NWC API

Can NWC API provide an endpoint to pass form values (in JSON), together with the required outcome, to an Nintex Form task? If so, it can allow a better integration with the engine with our existing applications. I think, it can also be a new task ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Other 1 Open for voting

Retrieve users/emails that were defined as Workflow Owners and Business Owners for a Workflow

It would be great if we are able to retrieve the users/emails that were defined as Workflow Owners and Business Owners for a Workflow and use it within workflow configuration.
Guest over 1 year ago in Workflow Designer 0 Open for voting