Possibility to
* add remarks in NWC tasks for the approving person to fill in
* or to modify the NWC task form in order to e.g. include remarks as well
Allow comparison between Integer variables and decimals
If I define two variables, X (as Integer) and Y (as Decimal) I should be able to perform basic math comparisons between them. But NWC does not allow these variables to be compared in a Condition action.
Capability to group multiple actions into one, collapse/expand group of actions in workflow designer view, to make the design of big workflow easy to read
Sometimes you want to quickly jump to a certain action, or see where a certain variable is used. It would be great if there was a search bar somewhere on the workflow designer (see top-right of image for example) where you could search to match an...
Would love to be able to generate a document in NWC using a template stored in SharePoint Online and then store it back to SharePoint Online. Not sure what that isnt an option at the moment
Create list items in SharePoint with form attachments
The ability to attach attachments to list items using the Create List Item in SharePoint action. Currently users can fill out the form and attach documents but there is no way to easily get them into SharePoint.
It would be helpful if the SharePoint site URL field in this action step could except variables. At the moment, the SharePoint site URL needs to be hard-coded which makes this step useless when the workflow is being triggered by an Event Receiver ...