For a phone field, the text mask needs to be different based on the country.
eg US = ***-***-xxxx AU = xx-xxxx-xxxx
Post code mask
US XXXXX, AU XXXX, and UK has multiple masks.
almost 7 years ago
in Form Designer
It would be nice to be able to add clickable links from a form text box. This would need to be accomplished via form on load rule, field title, and/or field description.
almost 7 years ago
in Form Designer
External Data - Add SQL on premise as a datasource please.
I can use the data lookup connected to SQL datasource, but cannot get the additional data for that record from the External Data. It will not allow SQL on premise connection. Please add this feature.
Now that all tasks are stored in Nintex Workflow Cloud, it should be easily possible to check the approval history for a workflow instance when you open the form.A "Approval history" or "Task history" component would be nice just as we have the "F...
about 4 years ago
in Form Designer
As using custom JavaScript is not possible with NWC forms, it would be nice to be able to send alerts to users when they load the form. This would be used for displaying warnings that could be dismissed prior to users completing the form.
All the forms (Items + tasks) are now fully public. Everyone who has access to the link can act on it. How can you be sure that your task is not going to be answered by someone who shouldn't have access to it ? You can't. So, how do you secure you...
about 6 years ago
in Form Designer
Today function. In form variables we need a way to reference the current date/time. It's great that we have date functions, but it's quite limited when we can't compare against the current date.
My Nintex : Confidentiality - Separate workflow instances by user
In NWC, we can track workflows with the new feature workflow tracking behind the button '"My Nintex", but how to filter instances so users can only see their instances ?
almost 3 years ago
in Form Designer