Auto-select options in a multi-choice control using form rules and external data variable
When a user selects an item from a drop-down list, I want to populate several fields. I’m using form rules and an external data variable to do this successfully with several fields. However, I’m unable to set the checked values of a multi-choice f...
The ability from a form rule to create a PDF of the completed form. Often on submit customers want to save a copy of the completed form itself in PDF format to a document store for record keep purposes. Developers don't want to create a separate r...
over 3 years ago
in Form Designer
Under Review
There have been multiple times where we utilize external data to bring data into a form, and then have to use complex formulas/functions to pull the actual data we want out of the external data that was returned. Typically, this involves multiple ...
over 1 year ago
in Form Designer
Under Review
We would like to enable sorting on the Choice (single or multiple) control Option label. We are frequently populating the Choice options with external data where we are unable to sort on the column we want. For example, we have choice controls whe...
When Copying Fields, make it go up in number not "copy/copy/copy/copy"
When Copying fields in the Form Designer (e.g."New Field"), the new copied field says "New Field copy", this causes a lot of issues when referencing that copied field later as if you copy the field 10 times it ends up with "New Field copy copy cop...
Hi Team, we cant see try catch activity in the workflow designer and its making problem big time for us in orchestrating the process flow as there is always set of activity which is error prone and if we dont put exception handling it will break t...
Embed an authenticated NWC form in SharePoint iframe
Currently you can embed a non-authenticated NWC form in SharePoint very nicely, however you are unable to embed an authenticated one. My tenant uses Azure AD SSO for NWC so in theory pass through auth should work pretty seamlessly. This would be e...
over 4 years ago
in Form Designer
Under Review
Make the dropdown field options able to be determined by rules.
IF variable1 = 'x' THEN dropdown options = 'a,b,c'
IF variable1 = 'y' THEN dropdown options = 'd,e,f'
over 4 years ago
in Form Designer
Under Review
The repeating section UX has a lot of unused space and looks out of place in an otherwise streamlined UX. It would be ideal if the controls within the section were a little smaller to allow the delete icon to go next to the other controls rather t...