Error Handling in WFC. We need a way to handle errors in WFC. Having critical workflows crashing and having to restart them is a huge issue and can cost lots of time and money for the organization.
Would be great to have the ability to rename an existing workflow without creating a copy of it and having to delete the original workflow etc. Thanks.
The ablity to rerun a workflow, especially one that starts from a form
I had a workflow that failed from a form start and had no way to restart the workflow or retrieve the information that had been entered into the form. Once I fixed the error in my connections, I couldn't rerun it. I also couldn't access the initia...
API for "Get Workflow Instances" - increase limit of results, and add filter options
According to your API documentation for "Get Workflow Instances," it only returns "up to 30 instances." This is a problem for us because we bui...
Would like the ability to change colors on tags so we could have a color system for our tags that are already created. For example, all connector tags would be green, all department tags would be red, etc.