API for "Get Workflow Instances" - increase limit of results, and add filter options
According to your API documentation for "Get Workflow Instances," https://help.nintex.com/en-US/nwc/Content/Designer/Actions/NintexWorkflowCloud-GetWorkflowInstances.htm it only returns "up to 30 instances." This is a problem for us because we bui...
There is an API for "Add users into group" but it does not help us unless we can also "Remove users from group" when we want to. Can you add this into the API? https://developer.nintex.com/docs/nc-api-docs/e37de6a04734e-add-users-into-group
Restart a botflow action in the event of failure with original input variables
If your workflow starts a botflow, the botflow could fail. If it fails, it would be nice to go into the workflow instance details and restart it with the original input variables. The use case where this would have been useful is that our Nintex G...
Line items often need evidence attached - such as receipts for an expense claim. If they aren't in the repeating section users have to reference the filenames in the repeater or rename them so it it clear which row they are for. Either that, or ha...
With the addition of Multi-Choice DSV control support, we are utilizing Multi-Choice controls more frequency throughout forms. Specifically building repeating sections that drive multi-choice/single-choice dropdowns elsewhere. In my opinion, not b...
Set a maximum number of selections in a multiple-choice field
I have a use case where my form uses a multiple-choice field. In this particular case, I would like the maximum number of selections made to be four (4). I work in the financial industry and this form is an application for credit. By federal regul...
Express Approval associated terms and/or embedded outcome selection field
It would be really helpful to see either one or both of these improvements to the Express Approval feature. 1) Allow us to associate more than one term to a particular outcome. For example, if you have a review task setup with the outcomes of "App...
Would like the ability to change colors on tags so we could have a color system for our tags that are already created. For example, all connector tags would be green, all department tags would be red, etc.