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Add a CC email to the Assign a Task action

In the 'Assign a task' action in Nintex for Office 365 and Flexi task for Nintex for SharePoint there is an option to CC or BCC the task notification email.Please add CC and BCC to the NWC 'Assign a task' action. This is important as we migrate fr...
Guest about 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 12 Not Planned

Graphical WF InProgress View

I would like to see graphical view of workflow progress like OnPrem.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Other 5 Not Planned

Increase File Upload Size Limit for NWC.

The file upload action for Nintex Workflow Cloud is currently limited ot 25MB files. But we are seeing more and more need to increase this file size limit. A 250MB limit like what is on Nintex Workflow for O365 would be a great start.
Guest over 4 years ago in Form Designer 6 Not Planned

Add category for Nintex Mobile

In the settings of the form (where we can set the title and description), having the possibility to type a category for the form would be really useful. So that the form can appear in a category in Nintex mobile app.
Guest over 6 years ago in Form Designer 4 Not Planned

Assign a task without email notification

Give the option to assign a task without emailing the assignee(s). With the addition of my nintex, some users are already asking for the option to just monitor their tasks in there on a daily basis rather than receive emails for each task. If mult...
Guest over 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 4 Not Planned

Add option so workflow component tokens will not expire

Currently it's very hard to keep component workflow tokens expiration dates on track. Expired tokens will certainly cause downtime with Nintex integration. Since there's no current API for:- 1) retrieving when the workflow tokens will expire- 2) r...
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 9 Not Planned

Task List in My Nintex should refresh after a task is completed

The Task List in My Nintex (NWC) does not refresh once you have completed a task. It would be very helpful to have a refresh button on this page like we have on the Task List in the Automate section of NWC. See pics attached.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Not Planned

Exclude weekends from task assignment reminders and escalations

Hi there, it would be great to be able to cater for business days only (exclude weekends), when configuring NWC task assignment reminders and escalations. Currently when specifying days as part of reminders and escalations there seems to be no eas...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Workflow Designer 2 Not Planned

Long Term Delegation like OnPrem

When migrating from OnPrem to Automation Cloud one particular important feature that is missing, is the ability to create Long Term Delegation Rules for when employees are on leave and cannot delegete their tasks. Having admins doing all the deleg...
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Not Planned

branch by stage reorder branches

In the state machine action in Workflow for Sharepoint it is possible to move the branches left and right in the designer. It would be great to be able to reorder the branches within a 'Branch By Stage' in the workflow designer. Often additional b...
Guest over 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 2 Not Planned