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113 VOTE

Rules which apply to pages in forms

New page functionality is great! Wouldn't it be nice to make the pages conditionally appear based on other fields.
Guest over 6 years ago in Form Designer 18 Completed
105 VOTE

Copy and Paste between Workflows

It would be great to be able to copy any part of a Workflow and be able to paste it into another workflow.
Guest over 2 years ago in Workflow Designer 14 Completed

The ablity to rerun a workflow, especially one that starts from a form

I had a workflow that failed from a form start and had no way to restart the workflow or retrieve the information that had been entered into the form. Once I fixed the error in my connections, I couldn't rerun it. I also couldn't access the initia...
Guest about 7 years ago in Dashboard Experience 20 Completed

Error Handling

Error Handling in WFC. We need a way to handle errors in WFC. Having critical workflows crashing and having to restart them is a huge issue and can cost lots of time and money for the organization.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 7 Completed

Repeating Sections

Repeating Sections similar to SharePoint forms. We have a requirement to fill out data for every country the user interacts with. It can vary enormously and the user-case would be perfect for a repeating section. We need it based on WFC though.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Form Designer 12 Completed

Rename Workflow Name

Would be great to have the ability to rename an existing workflow without creating a copy of it and having to delete the original workflow etc. Thanks.
Guest over 3 years ago in Workflow Designer 5 Completed

Active Directory People Picker

It would be tremendously helpful to have an AD based people picker on NWC similar to the tools in on prem or O365 nintex.
Guest over 5 years ago in Form Designer 6 Completed

Save and complete task form later

I would really love to see an option where I can save a task form and edit it later on, like the start forms.
Guest over 3 years ago in Form Designer 7 Completed

Task delegation

It could be useful to have delegation concept also for tasks in NWC, it should be done through the task dashboard or through API. Delegation could be done by an administrator or by the assignee (it should be possible to disable this capability fo...
Guest over 6 years ago in Other 6 Completed

Assigning Task to Multiple Approvers

Allowing a task to be sent out to multiple users/ approvers would be helpful in some situations. I have tried many workarounds with fiddling with variables and keep getting an "invalid email format" error. The only workaround I have found is creat...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Form Designer 12 Completed