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Date filter for Data Lookup

I have a SQL data lookup or even a SharePoint list and I want to filter by a date field, but I can only enter a hard coded date. Would like to be able to filter on a date variable or maybe a reference to Today - 30 days. Hard coding the date is no...
Guest about 7 hours ago in Other 0

Visualize active tasks over 90+ days as default

Please make all pending tasks visible in the task area by default. Our options right now are: Preset In the past 30 days In the past 60 days In the past 90 days Custom – which we can select from a calendar in intervals of 3 months. However, the us...
Guest 13 days ago in Other 1

Add the full name of the logged in account to the upper right in NAC-Cloud

We have several technical accounts which we use to login to NAC and we have a naming convention.It would be great to see the full name as tooltip when we hover over the logged in name, which is the first name of the account as it seems. As an exam...
Guest 29 days ago in Other 2 Started

Bring your own encryption key (BYOK)

Would like the capability to bring our own encryption keys to apply to and encrypt our data in NAC
Marc Wenning 14 days ago in Other 0

Ability to delete Instance Start Data

Currently NAC allows purging of workflow instance as a whole at workflow level. We want a way to purge (delete) Instance Start Data but still keep the Instance activities data. This allows a way to delete any business data to be stored in NAC for ...
Guest 12 months ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Align NAC API with NAC features

NAC is being constantly improved (which is great!), nevertheless the API is not following the upgrade pace and is not really up-to-date. For example : The form Access feature that enable to filter who can trigger a form is not available from the A...
Guest about 1 year ago in Other 2 Started

API to pull out completed tasks

Many times, customers would like to use their own landing page for various reasons. Sometimes, it’s to incorporate the feature within their intranet portal or to use Nintex within Teams or Slack. Today, all other actions can be completed using the...
Guest 7 months ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Request for Japanese Language Support

Thank you for your excellent service. The Japanese market is large and growing, and having Japanese support would make it easier for more people to use your service. It would also increase user satisfaction and strengthen your competitive edge. By...
Guest 27 days ago in Other 1 Started

Add option so workflow component tokens will not expire

Currently it's very hard to keep component workflow tokens expiration dates on track. Expired tokens will certainly cause downtime with Nintex integration. Since there's no current API for:- 1) retrieving when the workflow tokens will expire- 2) r...
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 9 Not Planned

Export NAC Workflow Inventory

It would be helpful to be able to export the workflow inventory from NAC. This would be similar to the export in Nintex Insights. When it is exported, the tags applied to a workflow should be included. Additional capabilities for the export: With ...
Guest 3 months ago in Other 0