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Dashboard Experience

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Ability to export workflow history to a CSV file

As a publicly traded company, we are regularly audited, and some of the workflows we have created fall within the scope of these audits. As part of the audit process, we are required to provide a history of modifications for the workflows. Current...
Guest about 1 month ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Show instance start data in instances table

It would be helpful to differentiate between instances rather than crosschecking when something was submitted to the date initiated
Guest 2 months ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Not Planned

Make the instance details available for business owners

Currently only workflow owners can see the instance details for a running workflow. It would help if business owners also can see this trace. If workflow actions are described in a decent manner, business owners can see where and how the flow is r...
Guest 2 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Workflow Tracking pause total

Now that run status 'pause' exists, please add a Pause total box along with the other total boxes (Running, Completed, Failed...) in Workflow Tracking.
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Add URL/Connection column to Connections list

We expect to have many connections in our tenant and need the ability to sort and filter by URL/Connection information. Having to look at connections individually one-by-one is not efficient/practical.
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Add Edited by column to Connections list.

We expect to have many Connections in our tenant and need the ability to sort and search by the connection creator.
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Option to open each task(CTRL+click) in a new window from https://*

to allow the opening these tasks in new window from my/tasks. User should be able to bookmark my/tasks with query filter, or my/tasks page with filter keywords can be formed /opened directly(e.g. https://*
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0

Visual representation of running workflow instance with its sub workflows

At the moment there is no visual screen that could show a workflow instance with its child instance. Having such a screen is helpful in tracing the workflow process and navigate completely in and out of the whole process - from parent to its child...
Guest 5 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Initiator to be able to terminate their own workflows.

Now we have moved to NAC, it is not possible for 'normal' users to terminate their own workflows... Granting everyone in the business designer access is not acceptable. Users believe deleting the workflow will stop the process as it used to... we ...
Guest 5 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Include delegation timeline to task history

It would be very useful to see to whom a task was originally assigned to and if multiple delegations happend to see a timeline of the people and the delegations.
Guest 5 months ago in Dashboard Experience 0