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Dashboard Experience

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Restore a deleted Workflow in NWC

Would love to see a way to restore a deleted workflow, accidents can happen and things get deleted when they shouldn't, we need a way to restore them.
Guest about 5 years ago in Dashboard Experience 4 Open for voting

Organize workflows into folders

Organize Workflows into folders
Guest over 3 years ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Open for voting

Task List in My Nintex should refresh after a task is completed

The Task List in My Nintex (NWC) does not refresh once you have completed a task. It would be very helpful to have a refresh button on this page like we have on the Task List in the Automate section of NWC. See pics attached.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Not Planned

Optimize user experience in My Nintex

Suggestions for Tasks: Ability to show/hide fields in view. Use of "views" for tasks. Ability for users to have a default view set similar to a SharePoint list or library so they don't have to reset the filters each time they visit their queue. Bu...
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard Experience 1 Open for voting

Long Term Delegation like OnPrem

When migrating from OnPrem to Automation Cloud one particular important feature that is missing, is the ability to create Long Term Delegation Rules for when employees are on leave and cannot delegete their tasks. Having admins doing all the deleg...
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Not Planned

Search and sorting capabilities NWC

Search by task name (being able to define the search options. Like what shows in the drop down for users to search by) Search by fields in form (similar to first bullet – being able to search against fields in the form and then we can pick from a ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting

Enhance the Delegation of Tasks for Participants

Please make the following updates to delegation: It would be extremely helpful if there was checkbox beside each task and a "check all" option for participants to delegate multiple tasks at the same time to one person. All the tasks that have dele...
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard Experience 2 Open for voting

Feature to do the bulk operation for user registration, import/export into CSV under User Management

We want to register all users(about 20,000+) to be able to use NWC before release, but it takes so much time to do this individually from NWC dashboard. It would be great if we can do it in bulk, and if we can import/export into CSV for the checki...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dashboard Experience 6 Under Review

Allow access to emails that are sent by Nintex per workflow instance

Because we can't send emails from our own domain, we are unable to see a log of what emails are sent during workflow's instance. We're especially interested in a log of the task emails and their reminders and escalation emails. We can assume they ...
Guest 12 months ago in Dashboard Experience 3 Open for voting

Filter on Workflow Owner - Include Groups

I would like to be able to filter on workflows that are owned by a group. Currently, when filtering by Workflow Owner, only users can be chosen. Thank you.
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard Experience 0 Open for voting